Friday, 5 July 2013

A long time between blogs

I know it's been a long time since my last blog entry.  It's taken me a couple of months to get back into the daily commute to work each day.  My organisation skills seemed to be non existent and it's only now that I am able to have dinners, clothes and everything else setup for the week.  After working for fourteen years from home it's been a big adjustment for us all to the changes that we've had to go through but we've survived.
We've also had two graduations, eldest from secondary school and youngest from primary school.  We've had leaving cert exams and got through them, now we just have to wait for the results in August and then for the CAO (college/university offers) the following week.  We've also been shopping for a debs dress.  Hubby has had to take over as the taxi run for school, exams and appointments.  He's also taken over dinner duties so dinner is ready when I get home from work.   It's also sailing season so the boats are back in the water and he has his sea fishing competitions.
Because the schools have finished for the summer, it also means that our patchwork group are on a break until September as we meet in the school staff room.

I'd signed up to a few swaps before my work changes and I found it hard to get myself motivated in the evenings but I worked through it and I'm glad I did.  I promise to try to make an effort to keep up with my blogging even if it is only going to be once a month and I'm also going to commit to getting at least one hour a week for myself to just sew.
I'll leave y ou with  a few photos of some of the things I've made and swapped.  Have a great weekend everyone.


 mug rug swap
 needle case swap

pretty little pouch
mug rug swap
 pretty little pouch swap

coffe cosy swap

 apron swap (I made mine reversible)