Wishing everybody all the best as we leave 2013 and move into 2014.
May your friends be plentiful
May your family be loved
May you enjoy good health
May you have all you need
And may you get to make what you love.
I hope that I will get to enjoy making, baking and losing a few pounds. This is my new years resolution. Wonder how many I will manage to keep?
Best wishes
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Thursday, 26 December 2013
I hope everyone enjoyed a lovely Christmas Day. As usual we all ate too much, watched tv, played games and had a great day.
I opened my secret santa soiree presents and I love them all and just want to say thanks to whoever my secret santa was.
I also received a great quilting book and a mug rug book in my presents which I am going to enjoy reading today and I'm taking Friday as my sewing day. I have a nice break from work as I'm not back until New Years Eve.
I opened my secret santa soiree presents and I love them all and just want to say thanks to whoever my secret santa was.
I also received a great quilting book and a mug rug book in my presents which I am going to enjoy reading today and I'm taking Friday as my sewing day. I have a nice break from work as I'm not back until New Years Eve.
Saturday, 21 December 2013
Santa's Secret Soiree
I took part in Colorado Lady's SSS (Santa's Secret Soiree).
I sent my goodies away (I was a bit late due to everyone in the house being sick, it was the worst flu we've ever had).
A wonderful parcel arrived with some fab goodies (I know I'm not supposed to open them yet but I had a little sneak peak). I don't know who my Santa is (they haven't put their name in) but I want to say thank you to them.
Above is a photo of the wonderful package. I am going to open the goodies on Christmas Day and will put a photo up of what wonderful things I received.
We've have some terrible storms here over the last few days and our electricity has been off for a couple of days so I haven't been able to get onto the computer until now. They're predicting more bad weather for the rest of the weekend and next week so Santa might get blown away with the strong winds.
Hoping you all have a wonderful weekend before the big day.
I sent my goodies away (I was a bit late due to everyone in the house being sick, it was the worst flu we've ever had).
A wonderful parcel arrived with some fab goodies (I know I'm not supposed to open them yet but I had a little sneak peak). I don't know who my Santa is (they haven't put their name in) but I want to say thank you to them.
Above is a photo of the wonderful package. I am going to open the goodies on Christmas Day and will put a photo up of what wonderful things I received.
We've have some terrible storms here over the last few days and our electricity has been off for a couple of days so I haven't been able to get onto the computer until now. They're predicting more bad weather for the rest of the weekend and next week so Santa might get blown away with the strong winds.
Hoping you all have a wonderful weekend before the big day.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
What have I been doing all this time?????
Time has slipped by so quickly. I had great intentions of writing a post at least once a month and here I am 4 months later and nothing done. Oh well, start off now.
We had to make a fabric basket except I made a big mistake on my first attempt and sewed it up the wrong way so it turned out as a flat box shape.
Firstly we were on holidays on a wonderful cruise for two weeks. Coming from Ireland we are not used to really warm weather but this year we had a really hot summer but it was nothing compared to the temperatures we had in Spain. We ate plenty, drank some, were entertained nightly and visited some wonderful places.
In Vigo
Barcelona Football Club
In Cadiz, you can see the ship in the background
In Valencia
It was a great holiday despite putting weight on but I suppose that's what a holiday is all about.
The reason we had such a big holiday is because my eldest daughter did her leaving cert this year so we all needed a good break after that.
Then we had to anxiously wait for the results which she didn't think were good enough for the science course she wanted but they were more than good and she was offered her science course in Dublin City University.
We then had two debs dances, her own and then her friends. Here is a photo of her at her friends debs with two of her other friends. I'll post a photo of her own one soon.
Then we had youngest daughter starting secondary school. Here she is in her uniform on her first day.
Time has slipped by and I don't have much to show in the way of makes. Our quilting group have been busy making a quilt for the RNLI to raffle. It's a crazy patch quilt in all different blues.
I've also joined four swaps for Christmas (I must be mad). I've finished one and it is happily winging its way to ????? and here is a photo.
The other swaps are for a table runner and xmas decoration, a secret soiree swap and a handmade swap. I better get my sewing machine into top gear to get them all finished on time.
I'll leave you with a photo of hubby and myself at Halloween. We always dress up for the kids calling to the house, we enjoy it as much as they do.
I promise I will do another post shortly.
Best wishes
Friday, 5 July 2013
A long time between blogs
I know it's been a long time since my last blog entry. It's taken me a couple of months to get back into the daily commute to work each day. My organisation skills seemed to be non existent and it's only now that I am able to have dinners, clothes and everything else setup for the week. After working for fourteen years from home it's been a big adjustment for us all to the changes that we've had to go through but we've survived.
We've also had two graduations, eldest from secondary school and youngest from primary school. We've had leaving cert exams and got through them, now we just have to wait for the results in August and then for the CAO (college/university offers) the following week. We've also been shopping for a debs dress. Hubby has had to take over as the taxi run for school, exams and appointments. He's also taken over dinner duties so dinner is ready when I get home from work. It's also sailing season so the boats are back in the water and he has his sea fishing competitions.
Because the schools have finished for the summer, it also means that our patchwork group are on a break until September as we meet in the school staff room.
I'd signed up to a few swaps before my work changes and I found it hard to get myself motivated in the evenings but I worked through it and I'm glad I did. I promise to try to make an effort to keep up with my blogging even if it is only going to be once a month and I'm also going to commit to getting at least one hour a week for myself to just sew.
I'll leave y ou with a few photos of some of the things I've made and swapped. Have a great weekend everyone.
mug rug swap
needle case swap
apron swap (I made mine reversible)
We've also had two graduations, eldest from secondary school and youngest from primary school. We've had leaving cert exams and got through them, now we just have to wait for the results in August and then for the CAO (college/university offers) the following week. We've also been shopping for a debs dress. Hubby has had to take over as the taxi run for school, exams and appointments. He's also taken over dinner duties so dinner is ready when I get home from work. It's also sailing season so the boats are back in the water and he has his sea fishing competitions.
Because the schools have finished for the summer, it also means that our patchwork group are on a break until September as we meet in the school staff room.
I'd signed up to a few swaps before my work changes and I found it hard to get myself motivated in the evenings but I worked through it and I'm glad I did. I promise to try to make an effort to keep up with my blogging even if it is only going to be once a month and I'm also going to commit to getting at least one hour a week for myself to just sew.
I'll leave y ou with a few photos of some of the things I've made and swapped. Have a great weekend everyone.
mug rug swap
needle case swap
pretty little pouch
mug rug swap
pretty little pouch swap
coffe cosy swap
apron swap (I made mine reversible)
Sunday, 14 April 2013
April Showers Blog Hop
Today is my day on the April Showers Blog Hop.
The theme is a mug rug made with your interpretation of April Showers.
I decided to use a paper piece pattern that I found here.
I made two with one being reversed.
I then embroidered the words April Showers on some white fabric I had.
I then sewed the two umberella blocks either side.
I always remember the saying "april showers bring the flowers that bloom in may" so I decided to use some flower fabric as edging on my mug rug to remind me that this very wet April will bring the flowers soon.
I am hopeless at doing mitred binding, I really am so as this mug rug was for myself I decided to finish it off by zig-zag around the edges.
Here is the finished mug rug.
A big thank you to Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt and also to Erin at Mummy Quilts for organising this great event.
Please check out the other blogs with their wonderful mug rugs today. Hope you all have a great day.
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Stitch me up.
I was lucky enough to be picked to take part in the Stitch Me Up blog hop.
First I want to say thank you to Debbie from Busy as can Be, Cyndi from Stitch Stitch Stitch, Jane from Janes Fabrics and Madame Samm for giving us such wonderful embroidery patterns, supplying great Presencia threads if you wanted them and organising the blog hop.
Thank you all very much ladies.
There was such a great choice of patterns to chose from (geometric, contemporary, traditional). Also the threads which I bought from Jane were great as well.
I chose to do the chair and mannequin embroidery. Sorry for the photos but it's been grey and dull here all week with snow showers.
I made embroidery into a small wall hanging for my daughters room which was recently decorated with blues and pinks. Here is a close up of one of the small folded squares in the corners. I used four different fabrics. I learnt this technique from Rami Kim's book and I've used it quite a few things. It is so easy to do.
I used a blue fabric for the backing which reminds me of the renaissance.
I used the Presencia threads I'd bought from Jane and it was my first time to use this brand of thread. I loved it. It was easier to use than floss thread and didn't tangle as easily. I will definitely use it again.
It's been a while since I did any embroidery so I am really happy with this. I am going to try some of the geometric patterns next. If you get a chance check out the blog listing below to see what some of the wonderful ladies have created.
As I'm off work until Tuesday I'm going to get some more stitching done over the next few days.
Have a great Easter everyone.
P.S. Apologies to those who visited earlier, I didn't realise that the word verification was still on. I've taken it off now. SORRY.
P.S. Apologies to those who visited earlier, I didn't realise that the word verification was still on. I've taken it off now. SORRY.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Where has the time gone?
I can't believe it's been so long since I did a blog entry. Bang goes my new year resolution.
I have managed to get some things done.
I am taking part in Stitch Me Up blog hop over at Sew We Quilt. My day is tomorrow (28th) so don't forget to check and see what I've made then.
I'm also taking part in the April Showers mug rug blog hop in April and have been working on my project for that.
I'm also in a doll quilt swap for March based on "a little bit of green" which I hope to get finished this week.
My sewing mojo vanished due to illness and life/work changes.
I had a very bad kidney infection which had me laid up for almost two weeks.
Then just as I was getting over that I got a major change in my work.
I have worked for the same company for over 30 years with the last 14 working from home.
Our company has now been bought over by another company so I have to relocate back into the office. It is a major change not just for me but for the whole family and it has taken me a couple of weeks to get my head around the change. I start after Easter and with a long commute my sewing time will be a lot less so I am going to have to curb my urge to join in on all swaps that I find.
See you all tomorrow.
I have managed to get some things done.
I am taking part in Stitch Me Up blog hop over at Sew We Quilt. My day is tomorrow (28th) so don't forget to check and see what I've made then.
I'm also taking part in the April Showers mug rug blog hop in April and have been working on my project for that.
I'm also in a doll quilt swap for March based on "a little bit of green" which I hope to get finished this week.
My sewing mojo vanished due to illness and life/work changes.
I had a very bad kidney infection which had me laid up for almost two weeks.
Then just as I was getting over that I got a major change in my work.
I have worked for the same company for over 30 years with the last 14 working from home.
Our company has now been bought over by another company so I have to relocate back into the office. It is a major change not just for me but for the whole family and it has taken me a couple of weeks to get my head around the change. I start after Easter and with a long commute my sewing time will be a lot less so I am going to have to curb my urge to join in on all swaps that I find.
See you all tomorrow.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
pouch, zips, flowers and cupcakes
First off, Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.
I received a great package today for the Pretty Little Pouch swap on flickr.
It has denim fabric and beautiful orange fabrics. I gave a hint that I didn't really have anything that had orange in it so if my swap partner had some and wanted to use them that would be great. She did and I love it. It even has some great orange lining and of course my all time favourite, hexies. She also included a great shopping bag with hexies (in some prints I've seen other people using and raving about). There was even some chocolate (which I had to give some to youngest daughter as she wanted my lovely pouch). Thank you Judy.
I also received an order of zips I made. I have been waiting for these so I can make one of those fantastic Triple Zip Pouches. Now I just need time. I've also signed up for a Stitch Me Up blog hop and am working on my piece for it. I signed up for the April Showers blog hop as well for which we all make a mug rug with our interpretation of what April Showers means to us. Better get a move on.
Hubby gave me some beautiful flowers (I love flowers). There's a big fuzzy red heart in the middle of them.
As a treat the four of us are going to have one of these after dinner (I know I'm on a diet but it's Valentine's Day).
I received a great package today for the Pretty Little Pouch swap on flickr.
It has denim fabric and beautiful orange fabrics. I gave a hint that I didn't really have anything that had orange in it so if my swap partner had some and wanted to use them that would be great. She did and I love it. It even has some great orange lining and of course my all time favourite, hexies. She also included a great shopping bag with hexies (in some prints I've seen other people using and raving about). There was even some chocolate (which I had to give some to youngest daughter as she wanted my lovely pouch). Thank you Judy.
I also received an order of zips I made. I have been waiting for these so I can make one of those fantastic Triple Zip Pouches. Now I just need time. I've also signed up for a Stitch Me Up blog hop and am working on my piece for it. I signed up for the April Showers blog hop as well for which we all make a mug rug with our interpretation of what April Showers means to us. Better get a move on.
Hubby gave me some beautiful flowers (I love flowers). There's a big fuzzy red heart in the middle of them.
As a treat the four of us are going to have one of these after dinner (I know I'm on a diet but it's Valentine's Day).
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
PLP6 pouch finished
I finished off my pouch for the Pretty Little Pouch 6 swap.
Here are some photos of it. I sewed some buttons to the centre of the hexagons and did some outline quilting around the shapes. The back is Echino fabric which my partner likes. I used a paw print fabric for the lining and some white ribbon and bell flower beads for the zipper pull. My partner likes bright colours as well so I hope I've made something that she will like. I used Kelby Sew's tutorial which is quite easy to follow. This is my second time to use this tutorial and I think I'm improving each time.
I've signed up for a sew along on flick for the Triple Zip Pouch.
I'm going to have to invest in some zips now so will have to do a bit of a search online to see if I can find some really nice zips.
This Friday, 1st of February, is Friday Night With Friends. Why not sign up over at Cheryl's blog.
Only one day left in January and I have one thing left on my to do list, a top for myself. I hope to have this cut out tomorrow and that will mean I've finished all I wanted to do in January.
I've signed up for a sew along on flick for the Triple Zip Pouch.
I'm going to have to invest in some zips now so will have to do a bit of a search online to see if I can find some really nice zips.
This Friday, 1st of February, is Friday Night With Friends. Why not sign up over at Cheryl's blog.
Only one day left in January and I have one thing left on my to do list, a top for myself. I hope to have this cut out tomorrow and that will mean I've finished all I wanted to do in January.
Monday, 28 January 2013
Works so far
I've managed to get one thing finished and another started as well as getting the sitting room 95% finished.
I was in a mug rug swap on The Quilting Board.
Here is the mug rug I received from Nelco. I love the shape of it and will enjoy using the lovely teas she sent me.
Here is the front and back of the mug rug I made for my partner. She likes yellow so I hope this is cheerful enough. I used wool (a fancy knitting yarn) around the edges and zig-zagged over it.
I was in a mug rug swap on The Quilting Board.
Here is the mug rug I received from Nelco. I love the shape of it and will enjoy using the lovely teas she sent me.
Here is the front and back of the mug rug I made for my partner. She likes yellow so I hope this is cheerful enough. I used wool (a fancy knitting yarn) around the edges and zig-zagged over it.
I also got my partner's name for the Pretty Little Pouch Swap No. 6. I decided that I would sketch my idea out after seeing her mosaic of what she likes. I went with the following. The first one will be the front using a grey/linen for the background, bright hexagon flowers, stitched lines and fabric leaves. Not sure about the fabric leaves yet.
The next photo will be the back of the pouch using echino fabrics with four horizontal strips at the top and six vertical strips at the bottom.
Here is my progress so far.
I'm stitching each line in a different stitch. The orange is chain stitch, the blue is stem stitch, green is backstitch and the red is two different tones of red in running stitch. The fabrics will be the ones I'll use for the hexagons. I have some lovely echino 10 inch squares which I bought so I will choose which ones to use for the other side. I have to go through my "magic drawer" which has buttons, threads, zips etc. to pick out a zip and I also have to decide on the lining fabric. Not a bad start.
That leaves me with only one thing left on my January list of to do things. Only four days left, will have to get a move on.
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
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